Thursday, March 15, 2007

Summary of an “angry” lesson 13.03.07

As the lessons starting topic we learnt how to express different forms of anger. Firstly, we wanted to find out “What really gets our (your) goat?“ and we discussed if it might be music that sooths our (your) savage beast?

Afterwards, we had to find out more vocabulary of anger and made a rating for its intensity.

+++ go berserk

blow a fuse

lose one’s temper

blow his top

sudden outburst of temper

let off steam

++ fly into a rage

become irate

get your goat

get cross

makes you irritable

+ get worked up

We heard a listening about “road rage” and other negative expressions. The listening can be read in the tape script on p.233. Beneath you’ll find some “rage expressions”:

air rage / trolley rage / surf rage / movie rage / rage / revenge rage.

After so many expressions I can only ask: “Aren’t these expressions all the rage”?

On page 120 we compared and contrasted different anger situations.

After the break we let the anger behind us and worked on register transfer and rewording. Each writing has its personal character and a special type of vocabulary is used in it. Writings can not only be formal or informal but personal, neutral, informative, well structured, emotional or factual. They can be written in passive clause or in the imperative to support the things that are expressed in the writing.


- reword memo

- EB – test 3 – E in U part 5 pg. 74

- WB unit 9 – including writing

- CB pg. 128 (prepare to describe your house / rooms)

- CB pg. 129 E in U

- CB pg. 131 reading part 3

By Alexandra Zinner

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