Thursday, November 09, 2006

CAE summary 7.11.06

To warm up, we exchanged homework from the listening text “gathering information” (p.31):

- Agreement: yes, I do go along with the fact that,…(note: you can use do to emphasize sth)

- Comparison: men often exaggerate…, whereas women tend to do the opposite.

- Phrases not topic related:

  • It’s a completely different matter…
  • I wouldn’t go that far.
  • Let’s face it,
  • Oh, without a doubt,

- Useful words like immerse yourself, to blend into, subconscious, stay ahead, in turn,…

Today’s topic: Ads

How effective are ads?

  • Egg carton with 7 eggs… a car ad from VW!
  • Another ad: The best teachers are learners themselves!

Metaphors or similes

A car is like an egg carton…

A car is as protective as an egg carton

As fun as…

Teaching is the same as all those jobs rolled up together (into one).

Some useful words:

  • An all-rounder = a teacher juggles with all job
  • A six-seater = size of a car
  • Accessories for cars
  • cramped = too liitle room to move around
  • Junk (mails) = useless stuff (not really trash or garbage)
  • Cynical

Informal expressions

Formal expressions

A really good time

An interesting, enjoying time

A lot of good things

I gained much useful information


  • Six-year-old boy (with hyphen: one adj.)/ six years old (each word stands for themselves)
  • Mails = e-mails, you receive it on the computer/ mail (box) = letter, newspaper

What’s more? We did another good speaking task: How influenced are you by ads???

Furthermore, we carried on a special reading task such as “gapped text” in course book p.36.

There are some useful tips in the blue box on p.36!

Moreover, we listened to an interview about the minority languages.

We answered some questions after the first listening, than we finished the multiple choice task on p.38.

Writing: reports on p. 34/ 35

Voc: advertising hoarding = billboards = poster boards

pithiness = succinct = to the point = clip and clear

Tips for a good report

  • Good structuring with paragraphs is essential
  • Use of headings as well (introduction, topic title, recommendation)
  • Variety of linking words/ connectors (however, on the other hand, nevertheless,…)
  • Adjectives goes to nouns (look at p. 25 language focus)
  • Specific voc (larger range)
  • Formal
  • Passive structures (impersonal approach)


  • Finish reading task in course book p. 36-38 and p. 44-45
  • Grammar look into passives
  • Wb voc p. 22-23
  • Complete unit 3 incl. review
  • 0n the blog are some useful formal phrases

To sum up, the lessons were changeable, fruitful and an effective. The eve flew in no time once again.

Have a fruitful week…

Written by MM

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