Wednesday, November 15, 2006

CAE summary, 14.11.06

At the beginning Illya gave us a riddle and we made some conditional exercises.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a funny lesson. Illya brought three different english games which we played in groups. Game number one was about the conditional, number to was linked with a little writing task and number three was an exercise in talking.

After the break we had a look at punctuation rules. We wrote down the following rules:

Capital letters: titles, nationality

Apostrophes: genitive plural s, for missing letters

Hyphens: often with certain prefixes, when words change meaning, descriptive phrases used as an adjective

Commas: around descriptive clauses, phrases, comments; after introductory words and longer phrases
NOT: When a clause starts with `that`, before defining clauses, after phrases like: On Monday...

Next, Illya gave us our homework and showed us a short movie where we found out how punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence.

1. punktuation sheet
2. worksheet conditional
3. CAE book pg 46, 47, reading task
4. Workbook pg 34, 35, report

Regina Steiner

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